
Om Shakthi

We are happy to invite for Our ­­­­Blog Anniversary + Giveaway and moving forward / steping into fifth year of Blogging Carrier and Graphic Designer.

For those who are new to this blog and visited recently, we like to give you a brief notice on how this blog developed and how we are successful to this level.

We like to thank God, Parents and My lovely Sister, Friends who supported me, guide me and helped me to achieve this level. Here i would like to thank Mr.Tony and Lakshmi madam from Arena Koramangala.

Daily #Design Blog: #AnimHuT Turns 5 Successfully

Daily Design Blog: AnimHuT Turns 5 Successfully

First i never know what blog is ? reading blogspot from 86productions, HBB and smashing magazine. I asked one the popular blog owner to give feedback on my blog (actually i uploaded my Graphic Design works and made it as portfolio.) The Mail from him made me shame on myself first and give a good kick-start to create design blog.

AnimHuT Turns 5 Successfully

Remember one rule in your life, if you are going to create a blog or product or brand.

Respect + Diginity to those who thought you, showed you the success path. Never Break the trust, even after you are more successful than others. Your Ego will bring down your blog or your identity. Keep your Passion in Brain and success in Heart. – Sri Ganesh.M

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There was some bad down time for my blog – due to the health condition and there was no post for 5-6 months in our blog. Yet my friends blog inspiration and the way they are moving upward gives me confident to contuine work.

If i need more money over the quality – i would have created some scrap blogs. But make it professional if you have passion to your blog.

Recenlty i learned new lessons from two of my friends(thought so), they asked me how to blog and worked in our blog too. And helped to created their own blog, when seeing some revenue for their blog – they started cheating on me, get resource from me (ideas which used in their blog and carrier) and at last kicked me out from the same room where we stayed, even we were friends for 5 years, they were pretending like friends like hyena to get the leftover meat from the lions or cheetah. While i was offline, gave a bad impression about me in Facebook trying to affect my blog reputation and about me. Friends thought they were just kidding like friends, in real they were very brutal in the way they talked forgetting friendship. Let it be a good lesson for me. Please never do to you pals. Had an idea to work with those on our next premium projects and services. Thank God, i came to know about them earleir stage. I will never speak about this again.

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Let us be more creative and postive attidtue to make our blog and yours for next level.

I like to share our first wonderful experience with other bloggers and thanking them: Click here.

AnimHuT with a Fresh Look

I am thankful once again to everyone who helped me, advised me.

So what are the new things you can find in our blog here after ?
1. We removed Google Adsense from our blog some article or post. To show content like Artistic photography and illustrations which is not for every age user. Now we are free to share those inspiration, AnimHuT respect Google Policy.
2. We are taking submission of Infographic and Creative Portolio seriously and only well deserved factor will be added in our blog.
3. Looking for patners to work with our serivce like SEO, Video Intro and ebook publish like a network.
4. If advertisers interested, they can provide us specific Coupon Code for our readers while purchasing your Products.
5. Some Text Link Ads will be Accepted prior to the Google Link Scheme – Only Banner Ads.

Blog Anniversary Giveaway:

[pwal id=”46321921″ description=”Support us by Kindly Share it and Check our Giveaway”]
We started hunting for giveaway just few hours before, as we moved to new place(urban area/internet lack). Although we collected few giveaway for loyal readers and many other giveaway* might come, so stay tuned and the giveaway will be on from tommrow.
Approved Giveaway:
1. Themefuse Premium Theme
2. PixelKit Premium Freebies.
he Giveaway will be live soon – stay tuned.[/pwal]

Wish us and pray for our success to give back more inspiration to our blog and design community. Do you like to share your feedback or poke us – go ahead, we love to hear from you. Your valuable comment and ideas will be good and may help us and someone else – making them happy and made their day.

Thank You
Sri Ganesh.M
Editor and Founder
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