
Every blogger write his/her article by putting their effort and time on each post. After the post published what the next step to be done – PROMOTION!! , article is worthful or bad is judged by the comment given by the readers and/or the no. of users share them in social network. ! Past few months we got many user share their link with us -many user apart from bloggers .
Check this post :

Article Promotion, Is it really worth it?

check this Link

In which ank1en described very clearly why the article promotion is worthful or not ! -and its worthful to promote.
He asked the user to share the email and name to share in their comment form

Community Links : Next Level

1254520 81286112 Community News : Next Level

if you want someone to help you, be prepared to help them.

Promoting the article from top bloggers or the new one, share good articles with the readers and fellow bloggers, it will not only promote you links and bring traffic and readers to your blog – build good relation, friendship and trust among the fellow readers.

I do share my articles in many social network and few blogs which accept the user links. And i mostly share my links with the fellow bloggers and users online. Thru twitter.
so we decided to from this month share the community links in twitter with has tag


And we opened a new account on twitter @animhutfeed – follow us
We have got good response in one week we got more thank 110+ links submission
we Tweet the accepted tutorial with 3 twitter accounts


with #animhutfeed in the end of the post.
yes we like to promote and love to share good articles 3 times. Apart from that we check the accepted good article and vote on their other social network votes

designbump, Thewebblend, designmoo, dzone ,faqpal …

if they appear on the post. if they submitted the post to that network already.
So with one Direct Link to your post you get votes for other links too, a good way to share and promote your articles.
So start sending your links in the sidebar
apart from this, if you like to share you links

like SU, DIGG, delious, mixx, design float then add me in Twitter and in gtalk :

this email is only from instant messaging, so don’t email or forward any emails. you won’t get any reply from this. I made this account only for promoting.
“ sharing is caring “ and give back some good articles to the design community !
Here is the few links apart from (110+) submitted this week from march1-march7 2010.

Digital Art: 80+ Most Beautiful CG girls On The Web (Part 1)

10 Basic Visual Web Design Mistakes

5 Freelance Myths Busted From the Start

Simple Website Layout HTML 5 and CSS 3 Tutorial

9 Useful WordPress Poll And Rating Plugins

33 Marvelous And Inspiring Nature Wallpapers

33 Marvelous And Inspiring Nature Wallpapers

You Have To Look At These 50 Creative & Meaningful Logos!

You Have To Look At These 50 Creative & Meaningful Logos!

The Best & Most Popular Cosplay Photography from DeviantART

LogoBee Reduces Logo Design Delivery Time

Interview: Brian K. McDaniel of bkmcdaddy Designs

Interview: Brian K. McDaniel of bkmcdaddy Designs

Create a Stunning Retro Futuristic Typography

30 Latest High-Quality Free (X)HTML/CSS Templates Must See Now |
3 Ways to add Shine on Edges in Photoshop

Photoshop tutorial on how to achieve an easy light effect using the basic brush tools and layer blend ing.

9 Best Modern Web Design Tutorials and Articles
Electrical tape Photoshop brushes |
Top 10 Tutorials to Replace Flash With jQuery |GIVEAWAY: 500 Business Cards from

Conclusion :

We like to hear from you about this post, any suggestion or doubts drop it in the comment section.

Drop your Email Id in the comment section for sharing mutual votings with other readers

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