
After the New Year 2012 Google Doodle this year – Second Google Doodle of the year celebrating Nicolas Steno 374th birthday. A Danish pioneer in both anatomy and geology – World recognize by the name Nicolas Steno (11 January 1638 – 25 November 1686).

Google always celebrate and honor Festival or birthday through its enrich creative Doodle made mt the Team. This time they are celbrating Nicolas Steno 374th birthday and its doodle in 3D share with paleontology and geology illustration in them.

Today's Google Doodle Nicolas Steno

Today's Google Doodle Nicolas Steno

By 1659 he had decided not to accept anything simply written in a book, resolving instead to do research himself.[1] He is considered the father of geology and stratigraphy.

Major Works done by Nicolas

– Anatomical Observations (1662)
– Elementorum Myologiae Specimen, seu Musculi Descriptio Geometrica (1667)
– Concerning Solids naturally contained within solids (1669)
– Elementary Mylogical Specimens (1669)
– Discours de Monsieur Stenon sur L’Anatomie du Cerveau (“M. Steno’s lecture on the anatomy of the brain”, Paris 1669)

google doodle Nicolas Steno

Nicolas Steno in his young age

” Nicolaus Steno has been recognized as making some of the first ”truly great discoveries” in geology ”
The Steno Museum in Århus, Denmark, named after Nicolas Steno, holds exhibitions on the history of science and medicine and His corpse was shipped by Kerckring to Florence and buried in the Basilica of San Lorenzo close to his protectors, the De’ Medici family. In 1953 his grave was discovered, and the corpse (without the missing skull) was reburied after a procession through the streets of the city

Source 1 , Source 2

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