
You have know about Udemy – a online Course site, which we shared earlier in our blog. Designer Tamoz Moroz created few illustrations of cute little robots and made speed video on how he made those robot characters. He created these characters of Robots as each from their team and got review for Udemy. If you follow him on Instagram – you can view his daily sketches he made. We like his Illustration of Cute Little Robots – as we made some earlier for Twitter Bird.

Illustration of Cute Little Robots Characters

About the artist:
My name is Tamas Moroz , designer / illustrator from Transylvania ( Cluj Napoca ). I have a masters degree in fine arts , and I’m currently working as an Art Director at a local startup. I have a love for great design , with high attention on details , illustration , animation , and my new love is lettering.

All the images are copyrighted to the respective owner and featured here as inspiration.

Illustration of Cute Little Robots

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