The 404 Error page appears in a website or blog when the user mistype the link or search the keywords with wrong TYPO. At first These matters very high and make the user to close that website or skip to other content in internet, In modern designing, Designers and web-developers added designs, serach box or other archives/ categories link to make the user stay in their site more. Here i will be showcasing some 404-Error Page for your Inspiration.
If you have a creative 404 error page design please submit here. No old blank page 😀
Everyone after Revamping the New design for the blog we have included the NEW 404 error page to our blog. the Character I created from my old Black Ninja Mascot. now you can check out our mascot new name ” ZUZU”.
Our 404 Error page Design M

Still Guessing what is 404 : From WIKI
Thanks for a great stuff. I personally liked it very much. 🙂
It’s always nice to see people adding that little bit of extra thought and creativity to their projects! It goes to show that they really do think about all the different aspects of a website!
great collection man. really want a cool 404 page for my blog too.
Woww..Creativity at it’s best for 404 error page.
Nice work done !!
These 404 pages are really very creative! Love them all.
Wow, some great ideas here, we are officially inspired – off we go to do our own 404!
Wow, awesome 404’s!
Hey! great designers. liked maincheap and man in space.. BTW what you think about our 404 page: 😉
Looking Great !