
Last 6 Months made epic changes in social media and Internet, for example: Social Network giant “Facebook” brought INSTAGRAM. For android users INSTAGRAM released APP recently and official API for developers which gave boon to many new sites like, Webbygram, Instagrille and many sites which supports INSTAGRAM.

If you haven’t noticed that we wrote a similar post here, we collected 100+ Instagram photography for Facebook fans.

Today very excited to inform that they added two ew features.

  • 1. WEBstagram

You can easily show Instagram Gallery on your Blog or Website and Easy to customize and install, just copy and paste!

  • 2. Repost Image

You can get or download simple image copy with author’s username by email. Press ‘Repost’ or ‘Repost this’ button on the bottom of each photo. You can share Instagram pics with respecting for copyright!

Webstagram on the media

How -to

First login with your Instagram account and give Oauth to webstagram. Go to this Tool pageand choose between “popular”, “Username”,”#hash-tag” feature. with thumbnail size and layout according to your blog sidebar. if you wish to place your widget in your about page, kindly choose large format layout as shown below.


Settings for Webstagram

See examples

Remember the popular photos and #hash-tag will be refresh on the page when its updated in instagram.

Popular INSTAGRAM Photography

#retro -hash tag INSTAGRAM Photos

You might be interested in Infographics on INSTAGRAM.

My Feed

I’m not so much into Instagram – having an old android phone make the photos sick and after getting iOS device will available more and share my photography.
If you have an account, kindly share your link in the comment section.

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