
The following article will be a basic guide for new bloggers only. Pro bloggers, who have gained thousands of readers following them and their blog trustworthy in social media in various platform – doesn’t need a basic tip like this. Adding social media follow button to your blog gives you more readers as well as exposure to your new content when you publish.

[note: this is me, when started my blogging as my carrier. lol. Helping new bloggers to not act like this]

Mostly in early stage of blogging, adding so many social media vote buttons or banners like alexa, to the blog gives you a bad reputations from new readers. They distract easily to the shinny buttons. And in the footer or sidebar with lots of links to directory sites with their badges filled your blog – not a good idea.

Remember we did the same mistake, when we started our blog in August 2009. We recommend you to read this article we wrote earlier, “How to Kill your New Blog Easily“. Here you should not follow the steps we listed. The purpose or meaning of the article is not to kill your blog, we can teach you how to get success with your new blog. But when are you are following our ideas and doing other optimization to your blog which might be fatal tricks or silly errors you might leave it.

Why Adding Social Media Share Buttons to Site Homepage is Must

Google loves Social Media Engagement

Google also considered social media engagement apart from their quality check for article or post you written. There is difference between adding social buttons to article and homepage. Some WordPress themes by default have social media share buttons and link to your online social media profile. But links to external site is to follow your or your blog has less impact if there is no button available in the homepage.

You update your blog with new content, and shared by your loyal readers. But what about the homepage of your site or blog ?, We all know that, Gaining loyal readers is tedious task and getting new readers trust is more vital for your blog health. If you check your blog main url in Moz network(SeoMoz previously) or Feedthebot – now you can calculate it. Some article get viral and few others not as much you expected.

While you new readers go through your blog content – they share it, if they like it. What about your homepage or main url which has to rank better in various search engine. For other organic factors for your blog – you must give importance to add the social button for the homepage. You can see in blog sidebar, we added only few social site share button.

Animhut social media resource

AnimhuT Sidebar

From 2012, Pinterest has taken the lead when comparing to Facebook and Twitter altogether. We made a mistake not engaging in Linkedin that much.

The following quick-tip was added before the Pinterest got new analytics features and uplift of new design with terms and conditions. This popular codex tutorial will help you add customize pin-image to pin all the images found in that page. Add working Pinterest pin-it button for design portfolios and photography blog.

Use Social Media to Boost Blog Traffic

In this article, we guide you to add some famous social media sharing button for your homepage. Kindly considered that adding Async code method is good for your site speed and Google recommends that too.

The number of Likes for your blog in Facebook Page or Twitter followers might considered how popular or social enthusiast you are. Many new bloggers who are not passionate and motivated for generating money – can buy Facebook likes and twitter followers. We are not gona argue from that point. But having no of count for the homepage which is done once – gives a clear impact for the new readers to trust you. Our Facebook page has 1.4K fans, which has only 240+/1500 friends. Others are strangers or readers from our blog. Few like our blog homepage and not official page – depends on their interest, another fact is our blog vanity url is not “animhut” so there is some difference – but we are still success. Thanks to all.

So adding vote button for your blog homepage will give you more authentic and work hard with passionate to become pro-bloggers. Share your feedback, the following content is our own experiment and go through lesson we saw in blogging carrier.

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