
Like Pinterest Rich Pins now you can do with Flipbaord. Flipboard Community added a feature to shop or sell your DIY products.

Now you can Flip your favorite products and purchase in Flipboard. New updated “Flipboard Share Bookmarklet” let you shopping in Flipboard. If you are engaging your Smart-phone (iOS, Android, Windows and BlackBerry App) users for your blog using our “Create your Flipboard Magazine for your Blog” written earlier this month – you can get more sales for like your Pinterest fashion goodies or print products or e-books.

How to sell your products in Flipboard

Easy to sell or shop in Flipboard.

First Download: Flipboard: Your Social News Magazine – Flipboard Inc.

Last week, Flipboard community made an update to share bookmark button for users who create and add to their customized magazine apart from premium Flipboards. Our favorite part is you can add many images from the article. First they choose the best or some time inappropriate images, you are now free to choose.

This article will give a quick-tip on how to add your products in Flipboard. Reason to write an article when they already notified in their official blog. Even though we created our “AnimHuT Flipboard Magazine” earlier when new updates are rolled out – many bloggers and designers are not aware of the customization and many magazine a user can create. So even though we made our magazine, actually Flipboard was created as an App – now you can viewable and edit in desktop versions on any browsers. You can check more information in our previous article.

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We like to keep our readers update with the latest news from design community – so this tutorial will give new users aware of these features and make use of them.

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Remember when we created our digital magazine and later published our article or post – we have 7 subscribers to 36 right now and more than 1000 page flips. Lets digg into article.

Apart from your Free Flipboard App – first add your new updated bookmarklet to your browsers and delete your old one we mentioned earlier.

Now follow the steps as shown in the following images.
Drag this button to your bookmark tab here.

Press Next and then add your product details – share in other social media for better traffic and readers engagement. Flipboard will automatically choose the product list. if not you can add yours.
Always remember to add large images – see their guidelines. For better user readability adding small images is not recommend.
How to Shop or Sell Your Products on Flipboard using New Bookmarklet

This was an easy article for designers and other category readers who like to sell their artwork or even promote their works.

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