Over the Internet, we have watched all funny and hilarious animation videos about cat or delivery man doing stupid things and get fired. But not all are idiots. This hilarious animation video is about famous johnny express who travel in space and deliver goods around galaxies. Where many planets are recommended hims. Every time he tries to finish his work aka complete his task – make some trouble around the planet.


Now he landed on a planet where he make the most worst delivery in his record which is funny and creative too. Thanks to Korean animation studio – Alfred Imageworks and Kyungmin Woo.

Hilarious Creative Animation Video about Johnny Express

In space, you can find many types of aliens and johnny travels to different planets to deliver the products – but he is lazy and make the shuttle in autopilot mode. This time when he gets down to planet found himself a tiny[micro package] which has to be done for his record – see what he did in that bizarre planet and did he succeeded in his work on that small planet. Do let us know by your comments.

Hilarious Animation Videos

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