Shutterstock in one of the leading premium stock site and animhut’s one of the recommended royalty-free stock sites. We have featured many giveaway and images source from them for writing blog articles. Now they moved to new place and one of the amazing place to work like Google or Facebook. Jon Oringer founded in 2003(when myself doing eleventh grade) as a premium site for photos and video footage. Now after decade of success, the created a new site skillfeed for online education. Sneak peak of creative office(hq) was shown earlier in their blog and Bloomberg made a video for people and clients.

Shutterstock New hq

Here is the Vimeo video of how they designed their new office:

Sneak Peak of New Shutterstock Office

In the new office, they have massage room, free food made by chefs, yoga studio and of course two game rooms. 300 people work in the new offices. iBrian is used when someone want to talk with the office – an iPad attached to the robot.

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