To create a blog you need some essential things, and after creating them SEO is must. Most of them try the content tips and hacks from the forum they found on the Internet, which can help them if its organic way, or else this can bring hate from Google. This infographic only shows what are the most popular black hat SEO techniques for informational purposes. Outsider does not encourage the usage of such techniques nor used them in any active SEO campaign through out the years.
For newbie bloggers never try these, cause if it get affected you should blame yourself.

Even if you are new to SEO, you have already heard the term Black Hat. Believe it or not, the spam techniques that all professional SEOs do not use and search engines hate, actually evolved along with the White Hat and also lead to constant improvements in the search engine’s algorithms.

This Infographics is show for the purpose what are the SEO black hat Technic. By Unknown if you are doing this – you know what you have to do !

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