
Today’s infographic on most popular eCommerce CMS which used in Magento. Magento’s has lots of features and free Magento’s extension with themes for customization made easy.

Any ecommerce venture can only dream of success if the platform empowering the web portal is smart, sophisticated, and scalable. Magento is all this, and more; no wonders it is the market leader in the ecommerce CMS service space with more than a quarter of the market share! With a WYSIWYG styled website building interface riding on professionally designed free to use store-front templates, and backed up by strong SEO and marketing tools, Magento is the platform of choice for ecommerce websites and content centric websites alike. Layered navigation structure, product comparisons, wish lists, advanced search, product grouping, email lists management – all these are really value adding ecommerce features, and Magento offers them all.

The Best eCommerce CMS for Magento – Infographic

The article is written by Lisa and images are copyrighted to the respective owner.

magento infographics

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Hi, I’m Lisa, Working for Best Plugins, This site gives best list of plugins from different categories like CMS, Softwares, Browsers, Audio etc., Best place for
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