
For Daily Design Inspiration, We featured Anthony Petrie’s work and once again who Collaborated Spiredman Children Footwear for years now with Reebok + Marvel Comic Industries. Inspire then buy Limited Edition.
Marvel Comics are famous for their Super heroes, Many Hollywood movies created with 90’s comic books. I’m Big Fan of Marvel comics esp The HULK and Iron Man.

Few tit-bits about Marvel for non-fans:

The Marvel Super Heroes is an American and Canadian-made animated television series starring five comic-book superheroes from Marvel Comics. It was first syndicated, on U.S. television, in 1966.
Source via Wikipedia (Marvel Super Heroes)

Get Inspired – Marvel Sneakers for Fans

Anthony Petrie is working in the product design industry. His portfolio includes work across a broad range of mediums. He likes creating good design for good people, and has an unhealthy obsession with zombies and farting. His favorite things to do are Cross-fitting with his beautiful girlfriend, annoying his dog, and drawing nerdy art for the Internets. His headquarters are located in the glorious state of Rhode Island.

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

Inspire to Limited Edition Sneakers for MARVEL Fans

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Love this ? Going to follow him, so that i can have a chance to buy these Sneakers, Hope you too follow him. Let us know what do you except more from us through this blog. If we are lacking something let us know by email not by Tweeting…..

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