Today’s oil painting inspiration from famous Dutch painter “Rembrandt” belongs to 16th century.

In European Design Art History, Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn who is a Dutch painter and etcher was consider as one of the greatest among others. Today Google homepage Doodles about him with a majestic portrait of him.
Mainly important in Dutch history, his way of paintings are marked in history and the Baroque style he create that dominated Europe, was extremely innovative. These paintings are inspiration for art students and other digital design medias. But some other artist in the past makes controversial design in vintage and retro postcards.

Religion is a central theme in Rembrandt’s paintings and the religiously fraught period in which he lived makes his faith a matter of interest. His mother was Roman Catholic, his father belonged to the Dutch Reformed Church, but the Dutch Republic was famously tolerant and, while his work reveals deep Christian faith, there is no evidence that Rembrandt formally belonged to any church. – source: Wikipedia

Famous Oil Paintings of Rembrandt van Rijn

All the images are collected from wikipedia and source 2(they take orders for printing) as an daily inspiration to creative mind people. Do not use without permission. Respect an artist works.

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

16th century dutch vintage oil paintings

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