
The cute or weird hybrid animals are familiar with internet users since 90’s. Creating a hybrid animal photo manipulation is fun and there are few photoshop tutorial available and you can find many on the web. Most of the artist creating hybrid animals are weird or ferocious – Sarah DeRemer from US made “Animal Food Photo-manipulation” looks very good and she said in her Facebook page that these photos are for ready for print.

Sarah has made other designs like drawings, photography and body drawing, see her page. Hybrid birds and animals are created using Adobe Photoshop.

Hybrid Art: Wildlife Animals and Birds into Vegetables and Fruits

All the images are copyrighted to the respective owner. Shared here for inspiration purpose only. Now you can submit your designs or freebies and get featured in our blog.

cute of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Art of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Animals and Birds

Hybrid Art of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Art of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Arts of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Cute Animals and Birds

Hybrid Art of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Art of Animals and Birds

Hybrid Birds

 hybrid Animals and Birds

hybrid photos of Animals and Birds

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Adorable Hybrid Animals (8)

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Adorable Hybrid Animals (12)

Adorable Hybrid Animals (13)

Adorable Hybrid Animals (14)

Adorable Hybrid Animals (15)

Adorable Hybrid Animals (1)

Adorable Hybrid Animals (2)

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