Japan 8.9 “Pray for No More” Poster on 50th Day

Japan 8.9 “Pray for No More” Poster on 50th Day

Today Japan crosses its 50th day after the Brutal earthquake 8.9 which happened last month. We all prayed for them – whole world prayed for them and it also showed the world how Economic and Nuclear side effect occurs. Always go with Green. The Reason for making a...
Quick-Tip: Create 3D Text Effect Illusion in Photoshop

Quick-Tip: Create 3D Text Effect Illusion in Photoshop

Todays Post on Creating a 3D Text effect Illusion in Photoshop. These steps are very easy to create and give you a feel of 3D effects on text. We need a Bold Font, Some layer styles added to the text. Let us see how the result comes. Start the tutorial by Creating a...
Best Design Round-Up: February 2011

Best Design Round-Up: February 2011

The February month went quite well for us, except the Paypal and RBI(India) issues on Freelachers and bloggers. We came across large number of Blogs in web for bring you a Solid content on Tutorials, Inspiration, Articles and Freebies. From the post you can get a...
PSD Tutorial : Create a Holiday Festival Poster

PSD Tutorial : Create a Holiday Festival Poster

Hi friends and visitors, we would love to thank you all for the continuous support and encouragement you give us. Here comes one more poster creating tutorial. The concept behind this poster is creating promotional poster about a festival conducted during long holiday...
Quick Tip: Create 3D text effect in 30 seconds

Quick Tip: Create 3D text effect in 30 seconds

We are back with Quick tip categories where we show you how to achieve good and useful technique in easy method. Not like pretending 15-20 steps for a simple effect. You would have experienced some quick tip tutorial: link. Twitter in 5 steps in illustrator Please...

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