Like Facebook comment plugin for Premium WordPress blog, Google+ comments WordPress plugin is available now for free download. These plugin, which can be enabled for your blog comment section or replace the default comment system.
Brandon Holtsclaw developed this plugin – you can check more about the plugin in his blog. We tried this plugin in our blog – everything looks fine with WordPress default comment system and Disqus comment system also, except these plugin width section in content area will be not same for every blog. However, you can edit and change the attribute section. Apart from this, which is not a bug or issue- this Google+ comments plugin is awesome. AnimHuT personally recommends this to all the WordPress Users.

Google+ Comments Plugin for Download

Download Google+ Comments Plugin for WordPress Blog

Google+ Comments
After Google+ is enabled for Google’s Blogger platform, Brandon Holtsclaw made this plugin and available in the WordPress Directory. We will enable this plugin soon, after re-installing MaxCDN in our blog. Hope they update with all the requirements for their readers including us. As a matter of spam and security, nonetheless like other comments plugin. this is great. Let us know, do you like it or not !

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