
Today we show you how to create a twitter icon bird in illustrator. Twitter is a powerful micro blogging, which crossed above 10th billionth tweets two days before. So tribute to the twitter we go through how to make them. We have already given the icon pack, this tutorial request from readers/friends asked me to write –this bird drawn using with pen tool. So digg in to the tutorial.

Tutorial Details :

1. Software Used : IllustratorCS4
2. Tools : Pen tool(p) and Gradient Tool
3. Time Duration : 20 minutes – 30 minutes
4. Total Steps : 5
5. Attachments : Source file with Tutorial Pdf and Icons
6. ICON License : Personal and commercial purpose.
No Re-distribution.

Final Output :

Final output of Twitr bird Create Vector Twitter bird in 5 steps

Steps :1 Drawing a shape using the PEN tool

open a document in illustrator. ( Ctrl+N ) or file -> new.
take a pen tool (P) and try to make a shape like this. Don’t worry if you don’t get the same shape. We are not using any default shape to make this , so the shape bit differs. And you can get even better shape ;).

the nodes

i used 4 nodes to make the shape

Now the shape look like this, the minimum nodes giev you more curvy.
ostep1 Create Vector Twitter bird in 5 steps

review of the first step

Step 2 : Adding the Gradient color to the body

fill the shape with radial gradient. ( G ). The values are :

add the gradient color


Note : if you don’t have CS4 version just select from the gradient tab and put the values !

step :3 Making twitter Eyes

How about adding simple eyes to the bird.
Draw a circle (ellipse tool – L ) and drag it . if you need perfect circle click on the art board and it ask for the width and circle with radial gradient tool . mode: Greyscale give the values . here the number determines the value.

step3 Create Vector Twitter bird in 5 steps

step :3 making of eyes easy step

Step :4 making of beak

Make a shinny beak for the bird ! Draw a triangle look and the following image show you clearly the values added.
Take radial gradient tool and fill the shape with yellow colour and give the values, as show in the image.

twitter beak tutorial

step : 4 making of beak

Mode: web RGB . Now draw a white ellipse shape and reduce the opacity to 66%. Now place the beak correctly.

Step : 5 Making Wings using pen tool

Make wings now , starting with a pen tool and make a leaf like shape(as shown below ) an fill it with linear gradient tool ( G ) same color as used in twitr body ! – Only the location changes .

Location =”25” and “50.3” and the angle is “ -161 “

adding twitter wings

step:5 draw wings with pen tool

Now copy the wings and paste behind the body of the twitr. ( ctrl+C and ctrl+F) and drag it to back ground.
We did! But wait if you need some highlights draw a small shapes above the shape and reduce the opacity. Preview:
adding highlights and shadow

optional : adding highlights and shadow

we finished our tutorial; it’s time for your feedback. Please say your thoughts in the comment form, we like to hear from you. Your suggestion makes us to improve the quality of the blog thank you!

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